As some of you may know I work over in Oman on a rotation basis which makes keeping up with Oiler news a bit tough. Oman is a wonderful place, the people, the scenery and the nice, very hot sun but as you would expect hockey is not very big there. Thankfully we have satellite TV in our camp and to my surprise they broadcast hockey, well sometimes they do. I describe Oman to my friends as the Canada of the gulf as the people are Canada nice and once I saw hockey on TV the name stuck. Mostly they are US based teams as the networks are fox sports(versus) and ESPN America but it is hockey! The times are tough though, live games are on around 1 or 2 in the morning but sometimes they repeat the game in the evening so I do get my Hockey Night in Oman.

I may watch the games alone in my room and at weird hours but I do get the opportunity to discuss game results with my new hockey pals who I get to see a few times a week when I am out in the field. Meet my new hockey pal : Maggie! Yes Maggie, don't ask me why Maggie but first time I saw her she just looked like a Maggie and the rest as they say is history. Now don't tell Mrs Oil, wouldn't her to get the wrong idea and same goes for you guys! She visits me regularly, is friendly and yes agrees that Hall needs to stay in the bigs and the oilers are a team to watch, she just gets it, that's more than I can say about some so called hockey experts, media and bloggers alike that think otherwise.

We nearly had a falling out though, one day when she paid me a visit she decided she wanted to show her Oiler fan dedication by trying to eat the Oiler puck I proudly fly on the antenna of my work truck. We had a long discussion that eating Oiler gear is not the way to show your loyalty to the team, one wears it proudly - not eat it. We shared some water and fruit then I believe we came to an understanding. We will see when I get back there. I am trying to think of what I could take down for her to wear, to show her Oiler pride as she tracks threw the Oman desert but haven't decided on anything yet, any ideas?
So as the sun sets in Oman
and I turn on the TV with the hope of watching a hockey game and greater hopes that maybe one day I will see an Oiler game in Oman I want to thank all the fellow Oiler fans who keep their blogs (listed to the right on my page) up to date with all the latest Oiler news, rumours, game notes. It is almost as good as being home - almost! Without the beer, snacks and snow & cold.
Stay tuned for my October Oiler review which I will have posted early November. I have had the opportunity to observe the start of the season from a distance and by being at home for the the last few games of October, saw two at home (Wild & Sharks) and the remaining on TV. So far I have to say Hall just blew me away in that Wild game, wow! things to look forward to or what. For a full recap of my views of month 1 (October Review) of the new Oiler era please remember to come back early November.