my first blog and first post - please be gentle!
back soon with articles of common sense, canadian liberatarism, beer, hockey
and the take on the real bulshit called global warming, climate change or whatever the eco doom prophets will call it next week when the weather doesn't match their commadore 64 computer model!
A collection of thoughts on life, politics and sports from a passionate believer in all that is right

Common sense conservative who does not feel guilty that my neighbour to the left has less that me nor am I envious that my neighbour to the right has more. I believe in helping those truly in need with a hand up, not a hand out, self responsibility and hard work. I am proud to be Christian that holds no ill will to all other religions or beliefs be they muslin, jewish or atheist. I am a climate realist, one that does not buy into the great CO2 scam. As such I believe climate changes as a natural course of nature but in saying that it is everyone's basic responsibilty bethey personal or corporate to take care of our enviroment. Pollution and global warming are two totaly seperate issues. These are my thoughts on a world that is changing faster than ever before, sometimes for better sometimes for the worse but sadly with what appears to be with little common sense or respect. I try to make sense of it all in a straight forward, not politically correct manner with a big dose of common sense.
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