Common sense conservative who does not feel guilty that my neighbour to the left has less that me nor am I envious that my neighbour to the right has more. I believe in helping those truly in need with a hand up, not a hand out, self responsibility and hard work. I am proud to be Christian that holds no ill will to all other religions or beliefs be they muslin, jewish or atheist. I am a climate realist, one that does not buy into the great CO2 scam. As such I believe climate changes as a natural course of nature but in saying that it is everyone's basic responsibilty bethey personal or corporate to take care of our enviroment. Pollution and global warming are two totaly seperate issues. These are my thoughts on a world that is changing faster than ever before, sometimes for better sometimes for the worse but sadly with what appears to be with little common sense or respect. I try to make sense of it all in a straight forward, not politically correct manner with a big dose of common sense.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why We Fight!

Thought I would repost this, this being Remembrance week. I find it to be very heartfelt and to the point from one that paid the ultimate sacrifice. I am sure you will hear and see this many times this week of remembrance but we should never tire of hearing it. We owe these brave souls and their families our deepest respect.

Why We Fight

I've often asked myself why we are here.

Why my government actually agreed to send troops to this God-forsaken place.

There are no natural resources.

No oil, gold, or silver. Just people.

People who have been at war for the last 40 plus years.

People who want nothing more than their children to be safe.

People who will do anything for money; even give their own life.

I look into the eyes of these people.

I see hate, destruction and depression.

I see love, warmth, kindness and appreciation.

Why do we fight? For in this country, there are monsters.

Monsters we could easily fight on a different battlefield, at a different time.

Monsters that could easily take the fight to us.
Surrounding these mud walls and huts is a country in turmoil.

A country that is unable to rebuild itself.

A country that cannot guarantee a bright future for its youth.

Why do we fight? Because, if we don't fight today, on THIS battlefield, then our children will be forced to face these monsters on our own battlefield.

I fight because I'm a soldier.

I fight because I'm ordered.

I fight, so my children won't have to.

-By Corporal Andrew Paul Grenon (2PPCLI)

Killed in action 3 September 2008. Zhari District, Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. The poem in the post above was from the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry webstes, under Fallen Patricia's

    God Bless
